
Creating Great Edits

Editing photos to bring the most detail and color out of them is not a topic easily found online. Thanks to the internet everyone now has access to free photo editing software that is almost as good as professional grade. After doing some research I found the best editing software for me as was GIMP. It’s nearly exactly the same thing as Adobe Photoshop Elements except FREE!

It is important when editing photos to do your research for the type of edits you want. Keep your edits simple and tasteful. Thanks to Picnik everyone adds ugly glows, terrible coloring, and words to every photo, taking away the true simplicity of a photo and ruining everything it touches. Things to keep in mind while editing photos are:
  • Cropping: Giving a photo a unique crop adds to the simplicity of the photo making it eye catching and interesting.
  • Tone and Coloring: enhancing or muting the color can add to the mode and the feel of the photograph.
  • Clarity: do you prefer nice sharp lines or a softer feel to the photograph

When focusing on these main things it makes the editing process quicker and makes it look much more professional.

The most important thing to editing is making sure you achieve the look you want out of the photograph. Not everyone’s taste is the same, but as long as you are happy with the finished product that is all that matters. When creating a new edited photo be sure to save the photo as a new name. For example: 002.jpeg should be saved as 002-e.jpeg. This allows you to keep the original in case you want to go back and change an edit. As we age our taste in styles change, so keeping the originals is a good way to allow your favorite photographs change with you. 

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